X Wheel of Fortune

Crow's Magick Tarot

(One Drive is on the funny mode so posted page here..)

Card   X  Wheel of Fortune
Monday, 31 July 2017
11:15 p.m.

Daily Card Draw:  X Wheel of Fortune
Cycle, Fate

First Impressions: (Thoughts)
Symbols, Colours, Characters, sensations etc:
Looking at this card I think about the cycles I have been through, the stages of my life.. Where am I at? What have I achieved? What have I still to achieve? What is going on right now?  Am I not moving forward, but going round and round?  Am I stagnant.. At a screeching halt … or am I letting things  move at its own pace… Do I believe in fate or do I make things happen?
These are all questions that this card brings up for me …
This is a card that is a good meditation card .. Maybe now is a good time to look at all the cards overall .. Go back and reflect on what has happened over the last week or so … ad reminding me that things are forever moving even if not in the direction we want ….

This card enables one to ask a lot of questions of self… and truly look at things honestly within themselves….

Another day of reflection and thought … 


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