Butterfly Guiding Light Oracle

Let us begin this journey of discovery with this Oracle Deck by  Sue Nicholson 


Guardian of Preservation

Keywords- Tradition, ritual, bonding, family, support, inheritance

A Keeper of Traditions.  He is there to see that every member of the family/tribe/group is provided for and that they, in turn, provide what they can for the good of the whole. In his being he holds the memories and the histories of your ancestors, those who came before you and without whom you would not exist. He holds a record of your heritage and remembers the sayings, the songs, the rituals and habits that are special to your family.

The Guardian of Preservation comes to remind you where you belong, who your kinfolk are. He comes steeped in tradition and heritage to remind you that you did not arrive here alone. You are the product of many Souls bonding together to pass down their legacy within you. Your birthright is to be part of a strong and protective society.

Sacral Chakras

  • Your Family or place of origin
  • Your Social Skills
  • The people you live with, or socialise with the most
  • Following rules or breaking them
  • The law and legal stuff
  • Gatherings and Rituals such as weddings, funerals, naming and Christenings. 
Orange- Glowing and inviting, associated with Warmth, comfort, nourishment. Stimulates health, vitality and self-control. 


Guardian Angel 
Know that at all times your way is lit, your body guarded, your Soul guided.

This card is a Teacher 
The Lesson -Know that you are unique and are loved unconditionally

Be aware that you are not alone in this life. You are watched and guided, protected and comforted by  being dedicated to you and your existence- Your Guardian Angel.

The Guardian Angel is the ultimate personification of unconditional love. When we are alone or in meditation and ask a question, demand an explanation or struggle to find reasons and answers. It is the Guardian Angel whose voice we may hear, that sometimes faint voice some call our conscience. Because we have free will, we sometimes stray off our path, do the wrong thing, become destructive and find ourselves in trouble. There is much hate and pain in the world and we are not perfect. Our Guardian Angel accepts us for what we are and asks nothing except for us to return to the light when we have learned our lesson.

These cards are also related to the Chakras...

This card relates to the Heart Chakra... 
Soothing and calm, associated with nature, health and renewal. Positive and tranquil tone, associated with acceptance and compassion.

  • Unconditional love for self and others
  • Emotional Balance
  • Health and Healing
  • Self-sacrifice and compassion 
  • Helping others, reaching out beyond yourself
  • Inner Peace. 
12th July 2018 

God Pours death into life and life into death without a drop being spilled.

KEYWORDS- Endings, decay, transition, loss, tragedy

Death- the means by which life is ended- comes to us all. It is the great hovering sadness over all of our lives- that inevitably we lose our loved ones and then our loved ones lose us. Death is accompanied by fear- fear of the unknown, fear of pain and suffering. In life there is no upside to death.  But in the wider Universe it is a means by which all matter is transformed from one thing to another, since we have come from the death of stars, it is viable to believe that our physical death in some way benefits the birth of something new.

When the card arises in a reading you must consider that Death has a role to play in your enquiry. This may relate to a literal death that has recently occurred or it may relate to the possibility of one to come. This includes terminal illness, suicide, murder, accidents and unexpected death ...


  • Your understanding of Universal Deity 
  • Cosmic Consciousness
  • Universal Love
  • Karma and Consequences
  • Life Purpose 

To be honest  -  when this card comes up in a reading, yes it could relate to an illness, something that is life transforming .... a death of someone who is very ill .... The thing is,  I don't fell comfortable with the meaning written about this card. For me I look at this card symbolically.... Look at this card as transformation, endings with many changes... a sense of renewal, rebirthing.... transmutation... maybe something is slowly dying in a process that it asking you to finish up , make changes, review your options .....maybe something will be self-sabotage,  or sabotaged by others .... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

The Fool's Journey Through The Wands ....

Why Do Readers Read Cards Differently?

Understanding the messages within A few of the Cards

Favourite Tv Series Mystery, Fantasy, Supernatural